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Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Tuesday, 27 August 2019, 05:39 PM
 pájaro que vive cerca o en el agua
(Eng. waterfowl)


Picture of Admin User
by Admin User - Wednesday, 25 July 2012, 04:40 PM

Eng. - stutter)

Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Monday, 19 August 2019, 08:14 PM
  se dice de un aire caliente e incomodo
(Eng. muggy)

Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Monday, 29 June 2015, 09:27 PM
 tomar acciones con el propósito de degradar a otro o reírse de él
(Eng. someone who makes fun of another)


Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Monday, 19 August 2019, 04:07 AM
  que se siente calor
(Eng. - hot)

Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Wednesday, 21 August 2019, 08:17 PM
 dirección de viaje
(Eng. path)
Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Monday, 19 August 2019, 04:08 AM
  lugar donde viven animales, arboles, y vegetación
(Eng. - field)
Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Friday, 23 August 2019, 02:38 AM
 una forma terrestre con paredes altas y escarpadas que fue formada por agua en movimiento o glaciares
(Eng. canyon)
Picture of BES PREP
by BES PREP - Monday, 19 August 2019, 04:07 AM
 tener habilidad de hacer algo
(Eng. capable)
Picture of Admin User
by Admin User - Wednesday, 25 July 2012, 04:36 PM

letras y números, símbolos
(Eng. - characters)


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